These are the three bears that are heading to Omaha to their new home. They are 15 inches tall with movable legs and head like all my bears. I used a full-length mink coat and used it all except for the collar.
Also, I'm keeping up with Barbara Brackman's Grandmothers Choice: Votes for Women Block of the Week.
Most of the blocks are fairly quick to do so if I clear a couple of hours off my daily schedule, the block is done. I see the new one is already posted so I'll print it out and tackle it come Tuesday. Instead of the 8" blocks, I'm making mine 6" with the help of
This is stand-alone software made available by The Electric Quilt Company There are over 4,000 historic block patterns which can be resized and printed with rotary cutting instructions and/or templates. You do not need the EQ program to make this work that's why I like it so well. I cannot afford EQ at this point. BlockBase is very affordable and I highly recommend it.
Minnie is almost back to her feisty ways. I wish I could say the same for my back. Prolong sitting irritates the sciatic nerve and that's another reason for not being at the computer as much. I guess it's too much sitting at the sewing you think?
Okay, that's what's happening here. I have special company coming to my house on Monday, book club is meeting on Tuesday night and quilt guild meeting on Thursday night. Good Lord, the month is half over by then. Hope your week is as fulfilling as mine. I'll be visiting with y'all again, maybe sooner that you think.
Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by.