Sunday, October 6, 2013


I've been creating Shari bears in memory of my sister who passed away in June.  Her children found her wedding dress and considered throwing it out as the white satin had turned a lovely shade of yellow from being packed away for 50+ years.  But the reuse/recycle  gene that I inherited from either my German grandmother or perhaps further back from the Native culture said, "Wait, I think I can use that."

I soaked the fabric in an equal solution of hot water, OxyClean and Biz for 24 hours and I was pleased with the results.  Tell me what you think.

 This beaded "wing" was a design on one of Shari's sweaters.

Another version

And, another
This is a close-up of the head.  Again, the beaded motif was rescued from the sweater.

Making these bears are always a challenge to my creativity as well as being therapeutic.  It is my hope that the story of these bears are told to future generations.