The fair starts this week. I'm going to show you what I'm taking.
This is my crazy quilt which I wasn't going to show before the fair but what the heck. The outside border is solid quilting with hot fix red crystals on the top. The picture really doesn't do it justice. It took me a long time to do..over a year..and I really like it. I took it to the neighboring county in July to the fair and received 2nd place. Let's see how it does locally.
I decided to take the scrappy star quilt.
And the flannel woodland quilt.
I also have a knitting entry of a scarf and fingerless gloves and I think I'll have to enter my tomatoes. I need to share their beauty.
They look like prize winners to me, don't you think?
Time to go to bed. I'm sleeping better now, but when I was waking up at 2 a.m., that's when I did a good amount of quilting. Oh well. Minnie and I will establish a new normal one of these days.
Good luck at the fair! It looks like you have some nice entries. :)
Keep taking it one day at at time. You'll always miss him, but, you will learn how to get threw life to a new life.
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