Tuesday, August 28, 2012

FMQ Challenge for August

The FMQ Challenge tutorial this month is by Wendy Sheppard.  She showed us how to do a "simple and fun" quilting motif that she likes to call the Jester's Hat.  Cute little curly-cues that somewhat resemble jester hats.  I first practiced in my drawing tablet.

I was having trouble filling in the gaps.  I'm very comfortable doing swirly-type quilting but I was trying to do jester hats.  I did a quilt sample block next.
That went a bit better.  Next I went to the sample quilt I'm creating with the monthly challenges.  Hard to believe we've done 8 of them already.  This is the front side.

 A variety of pink/print blocks on the front and green flannel on the back.

So, there's my August challenge.  The hardest part of this challenge was getting it done.  I did this this morning at 5 a.m.
Thank you SewCalGal and Wendy Sheppard for the opportunity to learn new free motion quilting skills.


Rosemary Dickinson said...

I love your jester hats! I found them difficult and never got them to look the way I wanted but I got through the challenge. Yours look wonderful!

Barbara said...

It looks great, Diane.

Ivory Spring said...

Your Jester's Hat looks beautiful! Good job, Diane! Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. Now that I have found you, I will be back. ;)

SewCalGal said...

Fun Jesters Hats Diane. Difficult challenge, but I think you'll soon be doing this design on your quilts. Looking pretty good to me.


sherry said...

very nice smooth work