Friday, February 24, 2012

I'm Back and My Back Is Back

It's amazing what a couple of days of complete rest and a heating pad will do for a nasty back event.  I'm almost where I was before I squatted down to pick up doggy doo on Monday.  Only half broken but feeling so much better.  My BBF Sandy called on Wed. and suggested going to a small quilt show at the St. Peter Library if I felt up to it and by then  I was moving around cautiously but decided that it was probably what I needed.  The St. Peter quilt guild puts on a display at the library every February and it's displayed all month.  Usually, there are so many quilts that the library can't accommodate them all at once so one batch is displayed for two weeks then another batch comes in.  We saw the last grouping but it was no less impressive.
 There is a lot of sunshine coming into this library.  I only took a couple of pictures.  This ginormous king size.  I couldn't get it all.
 And, this one fascinated me.  It's all applique.
 I couldn't leave the library without checking out a pile of books.  A couple on knitting, one on paper crafts and this one.

 I think we all forget to take care of ourselves what with obligations to jobs and family and just plain everyday life.  Time for ourselves is sometimes hard to come by.  I'm finding more of that personal time since I've been retired but there are still days when I do a lot of should-ing.  I'm glad I found this book.  It's teaching me how to breathe.  I highly recommend it.

If you've been following recently, you may recall a picture of a wedding gown I've had hanging up waiting for me to make a christening gown.  You can take a looky here.  I managed to get the bodice of the little gown finished.  Isn't it pretty?

 I'm setting that aside for a while.  I just have the skirt to finish but am struggling with the overlays.  I have to think about it some more.  

Barbara over at Cat Patches is hosting a Doll Quilt Swap, which I joined because doll quilts are basically mini quilts and a good way to use up scraps.  Also, because Barbara has a lot of fun on her blog and we all need some fun everyday.  But, I digress.  This was my fun yesterday and this morning. 
Do you see a doll quilt in the making?  

I've blabbed long enough.  Time to get back into my bliss zone.
Thanks for visiting today.  Hope your weekend is stress-free.


Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Cute baskets. Glad the back is better.

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

Beautiful quilts at the show! Sounds like picking up doggy doo isn't a good thing for your back, glad you are feeling better!

Sharon - Lilabelle Lane said...

I do hope that you back is all better very soon and yes I do see a cute little doll quilt in the making and looking forward to sharing in the doll quilt making with you and the other lovely ladies. hugs, Sharon

One Minnesota Quilter said...

Hi Diane -

I left another comment revealing who I's good to see you are still quilting and looks like you have really taken to the machine quilting! That's wonderful!
