Friday, August 31, 2012


Thank God it's September..well, in just a few hours it will be.  I will be glad to see the month of August 2012 behind me.  I believe my mettle was tested to the nth degree beginning with the passing of my loving companion of 15 years on Aug. 2.  One week later my sister had emergency surgery on her leg resulting in a bypass procedure.  You can read about that episode here.   Since she needed someone to stay with her for a few days to be sure she was doing okay, Minnie and I spent last weekend at her house.  She lives 11 miles from my home.  By the third night it was decided that she could manage the night by herself and I could go home.  On Monday Minnie and I went back to her house and spent the day doing errands and chores around her house.  She was doing remarkably well all day, resting and getting around good so I went home for the night.  At 9:00 she called and said she needed help because there was blood all over.  I raced to her house and found her literally bleeding out.  She was still conscious but fading quickly.  I called 911 and held a towel to her leg where the blood was pouring out.  The EMTs came in and did their life-saving job.  She ended up being air lifted back to Mayo in Rochester where she underwent more surgery to repair the bypass site.  I have to tell you that I never saw so much blood up close and personal like that.  When I visited her on Wednesday she apologized to me for what happened.  Good Lord.  I'm so grateful that I got to her in time.  
She  was discharged from the hospital this afternoon and is currently in a transitional care unit at the hospital close to home where she can be closely monitored.  No one wants to see another episode like that again, ever.  Especially me.

In the meantime, Rog's family and I have been gathering his things and sorting.  A very emotional time for everyone.  It's very hard to see his clothing get packed up and sent off to the thrift store.   A very difficult time for all of us.  They will be back to take more of his belongings on Sunday.  Much to do and not much time to sew.
My good friends, Tammy & Greg, invited me and Minnie out to the lake tonight for supper.  They call it dinner, I'm a country girl and call it supper.  After a delicious pork chop off the grill, baked potato, salad and a splash of wine we looked up and saw this amazing sunset.

 And, tonight is a blue moon.  It's not really blue, it's the second full moon this month.  You know what they say about full moons and unusual behaviors.  Hmmm, that explains a lot.  Gosh, I'm glad August is over.

Happy Labor Day, everyone.


Sharon - Lilabelle Lane said...

Diane, you continue to be in my thoughts. hugs xx

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

What a month. I don't blame you for wanting to start a new month, new page. Thank goodness you have Minnie. Our furry companions make a big difference. Here's hoping that September will be a MUCH better month for both you and your sister.

Barbara said...

I'm hoping the month of September will bring you some peace of mind.

Vickie said...

Thank goodness you were close enough to get to your sister in time! Remember your bloggy friends for support in times of need. Huggs to you.

Kim said...

Yes, I would not want another month like the one you just had.

I hope things will settled down for you and you can have some peaceful months of making those memory bears and doll quilts.

Happy Sewing

Sue W said...

Diane, Hope that the remainder of 2012 brings some peace. Losing a mate and then almost losing a sibling will leave you wounded for awhile. I pray that there is comfort in the habits of your hobbies.
A friend in the sewing room and at the bookshelf.

Ivory Spring said...


I hope that you will be comforted and strengthened during this time to sadness and trials.

Take care!

Michele Bilyeu said...

Oh, dear, dear Diane! It is no wonder you could relate to my own blog post. I am so very, very sorry for the loss of your beloved and so sorry for the challenges of the your sister and all of the other hard times. Life can be so utterly challenging but it also seems that you are rising up to meet the challenges and you will get through all of this, though that doesn't mean it doesn't and won't continue to hurt like heck and be so horribly hard.

My heart goes out to you and my thoughts and healing energies are with you and all of the members of all of your families.

Big, big hug right back at you. Keep those teddy bears close, and the memories even closer!

One Minnesota Quilter said...

I am hoping you have a much better month too.

I thought of you yesterday at the fair when I saw the teddy bears.


Anonymous said...

Amen to the end of the month. You are one strong and courageous woman.
So nice to know your sister is on the mend.....hope September brings you peace and happiness..
