The leaf blocks are 1.5" with the overall size somewhere around 13 x 16.
I also did a mini quilt for our quilt guild but I can't show that as we haven't had our big reveal yet. I'll just tell you that my partner requested a winter theme.
I started making blocks in a new Block of the Week which started in September.
I've made four blocks so far. The first three went very well.
I got up early this morning and did this week's block. It's called New Jersey.
That one went well, too. But, I couldn't for the life of me get last week's block together. It's called Kansas Sunflower
I gave up on this and came up with my own.
I have to applique the stem and leaves on this. All these blocks are 6 1/2 inch and very challenging.
Tomorrow morning I have to take Minnie to the vet for a little surgery to remove a pesky cyst. It never heals and she keeps worrying about it.
She'll also have her teeth cleaned and any other humiliating procedures that need to be done while she sleeps.
Do you think she knows her food will be cut off at 6:00 tonight?
She's going to be one upset little pooch when she doesn't get her usual treats tonight. We'll have a long talk about it later. Minnie and I have some good conversations. Well, I mostly do the talking and she does the listening.
That's it for quilty projects. I've been doing bear making and will show some of those in the days to come.