The garage sale happened on Friday and I have to say it wasn't the best attended sale I've ever had. It was hot...need I say more? After all was said and done, we did manage to move several items out of our house and into someone else's house. No. 38 was happy to sell all his canning jars, even the old blue ones. I didn't sell any of the Fire King, however. Sigh! I've been systematically wrapping it up, packing it into boxes and putting it in the storage room instead of back in the cupboard.
There's a box ready for the thrift store.
Today I'll get the garage cleaned up, tables returned to the neighbor and get my car back in at night.
The county fair begins this week in the neighboring county. A friend and I are entering our quilts and knitting for the first time. I'm entering three quilt items of which I'll show later this week after the judging on Tuesday. Someone suggested not to post these things until the event has been judged because you just never know who's lurking the websites. But, I can show the beautiful quilt I got from my swap partner, Lizzie, in Sweden.
The quilt is 13"x13" and those little HST blocks are 3/4". Cute as all get out. I had the Dala horse in my cupboard for years. Being that I'm Irish and German, why keep a Dala horse? I guess this was the reason. Life is quirky that way.
I'm hunkering down in the sewing room today. It's unbelievably hot and tomorrow will be another 100 degrees. It's getting pretty brittle in the yard. I water what I can, veggie garden and pots, bird and critter baths need to be checked and refilled twice a day. That's all I can do. The rest will have to survive on its own. Hope you all have a cool week.
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