Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Where Does the Time Go?

Nearly a week since I last posted.  Is it because I have nothing to say?  Oh, when will that happen?  No, it's because I've been busy with the painting and cleaning of the other half of my house, i.e. lower level.  Two more walls have been painted and a portion of the floor has been cleaned.  I have to move furniture away, clean the carpet, wait for it to dry, then move furniture back.  Yesterday I did too much as my back is complaining so today I decided not to paint or move furniture.  Instead, I sorted and organized my paper craft suppliesSince it's hot and windy, I did three loads of laundry and hung them out and then the power went out in the neighborhood about 2:00 so it was hand sewing time.  

I received two things in the mail that was fun to get.  A doll quilt from my swap partner Andra in New Mexico.

 You can check out all the cute doll quilts at Doll Quilters Monthly or click on the Doll Quilt Swap gadget on the right side bar.  It's a fun group and new members are always welcome.  

I also won a giveaway from SewCalGal on her Fun Friday Giveaway.  The prize was the new DVD by Don Linn aka Mr. Quilt.


He was one of the experts a couple of months ago on the Free Motion Quilt Challenge.  For more info on that, click on the button on the right side bar.  I watched about half of it so far and it is excellent.  Thank you SewCalGal and Mr. Quilt.  

I'm off to a book club meeting tonight, my first.  We will be discussing Kris Radish's novel entitled Annie Freeman's Fabulous Traveling Funeral tonight.  I was hesitant about reading this with the timing of Rog's death but I'm glad I did.  It's a fabulous read and I highly recommend it.

Minnie wants me to get supper started so I best get to it.  Power is back on and the house is cooling once again.  A nasty hot, windy day in Minnesota.  It may be the last time I say that sentence for many months.