Friday, July 20, 2012

FMQ Challenge for July

It's time again for the FMQ Challenge sponsored by Sew Cal GalThis month's instructor is Angela Walters and she showed us how to do tiles.  This looked pretty simple to me so I went ahead and quilted one of the larger blocks on my quilt sampler.  Shame on me.  I should have done some practice first.  I found myself boxed in much of the time so had to stop, cut threads and get out of the tile.

 I managed to get it done but I should've spent more time on this technique.  Thank you, Angela, for your interesting tutorial and thank you, Sew Cal Gal, for giving me the opportunity to expand my horizons with free motion quilting.  I am enjoying this challenge very much.


Rosemary Dickinson said...

I think you sample looks wonderful! I felt some of the tiles were a bit small to really get going with my quilting but it was fun. I feel as though I learned a lot. I do think the challenge is trying not to get boxed in!

Tammy said...

Hi Diane, Your July block looks fantastic. Bravo well done.

Quilting Babcia said...

Your piece is lovely! Had the same problem with running into dead-ends and having to break thread, etc. Live and learn I guess! This challenge has been such fun though, each month is a new adventure.

Angela Walters said...

Wow! I love all the different fillers you used, just gorgeous!

SewCalGal said...

Great job. This would look really cute on your quilts.


SewCalGal said...

Great job. This would look really cute on your quilts.
