What a difference a day makes. Yesterday was another unbearably hot day. The humidity was high again which meant I was confined to the inside and bowing down to the AC gods. I washed the "Disaster Quilt" for the fourth time (see previous post). I did the ice treatment on Monday as suggested by my friend Sandy. She heard about this through a class she took whereby putting ice on the affected area and leaving it on for several hours would remove the stain.
I iced this sucker for 12 hours, then treated it with Oxy-Clean and washed it. After all that there was still some stains left, though not as bad. One more time in the washer with the Oxy. I was determined to save this piece or at least make it passable. I have to confess that I was on the brink of giving up quilting altogether.
After drying and inspection, I decided to put the binding on and let the owner decide whether she wanted it or not. There is still slight staining on a couple of the white triangle units, but barely noticeable.
This is the finished product.
As I was sewing the binding on, No. 38 exclaimed that there was a rainbow and sure enough, this beautiful rainbow was visible over the treetops.
This is the first rainbow I've seen all summer as we haven't had much rain. Oddly enough, we didn't have any yesterday, only a few drips, so this rainbow was exciting to see. I dashed out down the street with my camera and captured the beginnings of a second rainbow over the first.
You can barely see it starting to the left. I headed on down to the end of the street to get the full view and the batteries in the camera took that moment to die.
With rainbows come new beginnings and this morning the humidity has lifted, the birds are happily feeding at the feeders and Minnie is barking up a storm. I'm ready to head out for a walk which I can do without fear of passing out and will most likely be spending some time in the gardens today. Have a great day, everyone
Sounds like you've done all you can for the quilt. Keeping my fingers crossed. Pretty rainbows.
I'm not sure it will work but I LOVE Retro clean. It takes the yellow out of old linens, quilts and crocheted items. It's worth a try if you still want to work on it. Good luck.
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