Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Begining of the End

I bet the post title got your attention, huh?  Well, it's not as dire as it sounds.  It's feeling noticeably cooler these past few days which made me think that I should start putting away outdoor furniture and garden decor.  As I was washing windows and stashing things in the shed, I got to thinking how summer has finally ended and the fall season could end any day.  It's not uncommon to have snow in Minnesota late October or early November.  And I always feel a little sad when I see and hear flocks of geese flying south.  Like the geese, our neighbors will be leaving next week for their winter home in AZ.

Life is always full of beginnings and endings.  We begin new jobs or, in my case, we end a job as I did in May when I retired.  Then I began a new life as a retiree.  Yesterday I attended a wedding and listened to the priest talk about a new beginning for the young couple.  Today I attended church services at a new church that just started up.  Haven't decided if its the one for me but if it is, it's another beginning and an end to attending the other church.   When one door closes, another opens.  Really simple stuff.

Today starts the beginning of a new week.  Make the best of it.

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